Monday, March 9, 2015

Illistrator final

Brooke running company new logo, building, and example of produce (running shoe)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Greek myth choice

I am choosing to do the myth about Zeus, Hades, and the king of Corinth. Its about a king who tricks Hades out of death by not having his wife put a gold coin in his mouth. I want to maybe use gandalf as maybe like the 'You shall not pass' thing.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Historical event photo shop blog post

This is John F. Kennedy getting sworn in on air force 1 on his way to Dallas, Texas. Later that day his body would return on that plane.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Adobe digital design

When I signed up for digital design I had no idea of what I was getting into. The concept of choosing your own classes was completely new to me. We had to choose electives. My first thing was: What even is an elective? Once I figured out what an elective was I wasn't sure why we had to choose so many. Picking four was hard when you had no clue about the classes you were picking. I'm not sure if digital adobe was ever my first or last choice. I know I picked though because thats why i'm here. I understand maybe why I picked it. Technology is something fun for me. I enjoy playing games like Minecraft. Photoshop was also a fun tool to play around with when I was bored. It was also an interest a small interest of mine to code. Khan academy has a small thing about it and it held my interest for a while. I have some examples but they're all on my own computer or on tumblr. I guess I joined this class because I was curious what it was about and I have no idea of what to expect.